From my heart ...

From my heart ...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Out On A Limb

I'm pretty stubborn.

I'm pretty certain I was born that way.

I'm equally certain stubbornness is a trait that refuses to leave its host. 

Consequently, those who love me - and those who don't - can count on my being stubborn.

At least they can say I can be counted on for something!

Going out on a limb is one of the too-many things I'm awfully stubborn about.

Just give me a limb ... any limb ... and, I'll climb out on it.

I'm even okay with being knocked off the limb.  I'll just pick myself up, shake off the dirt, find another limb, and wind up stronger in the end.

Matthew 10: 14 ... "If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet ... "

Outta Control

I'd like to think that I'm far from being a control freak.  I'd like to think that I'm more than willing to allow others to ...