From my heart ...

From my heart ...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Captain Donald L. Ghiata

I've known him for nearly fifty-four of his eighty-four years.

Born on March 1, 1927, he was the first of four sons born to Donald and Gunda Ghiata.

He's my Dad, and I am his 'little papoochnick.'

I never tire of hearing his 'growing-up-on-the-farm' stories.  Matter-of-fact, whenever we're together I encourage him to repeat those stories over and over again.
Ghiata Farm - Spruce, Michigan
The farm life, I'm told, was a hard life back then.  Nothing came easy, and everything came hard.  So different from my own growing-up memories.

He really did go to one of those one-room schoolhouses.  And apparently, he walked to and from school every day - miles upon miles - even on wintry, snowy days - in snowdrifts up to his hips - uphill - both ways.

I'm fairly certain his school teacher was more interested in making sure the students actually learned something, rather than stressing whether spirits might be crushed.

Whenever hyperactivity made an ugly appearance in the classroom ... they had a 'switch' for that.

No telephone, no automobile, no refrigerator, no air-conditioning, no central heating, and no television.

No problem. 

Simply say what needs to be said before departing.  Walk to your destination.  Keep a block of ice in the icebox.  Open the windows when its hot.  Fire up the wood stove when its cold.  And, build relationships with family and friends (even if there really is only a stick and a stone to play with).

Being lazy on the farm was never an option.  Not even a passing thought.  There was no time for that foolishness.

My dad worked hard, long hours.  Day after day.  Still does.

My Dad, Donald L. Ghiata - in uniform, on the farm in Spruce, Michigan
with his brothers ...
Norman, Philip, and Raymond
I'm so proud of him.  Though he quit school at 16 years of age, he never stopped learning.  He served in the armed forces, worked hard for a living, and got an education which eventually earned him the title of 'Captain' on the cement freighters which travel the Great Lakes.

Apparently, there's a lot of truth to the 'early to bed, early to rise ...' thing.

My Dad is also my 'Bible-Answer-Man' ... my 'go-to' guy whenever I have a Bible-related question.  Though he's taught me so much, I have so much more yet to learn.

He's always said, 'It takes a lifetime of living to learn how to live.'

Dad and Mom - Donald and Thais (Kamiske) Ghiata
I'm still learning.

Outta Control

I'd like to think that I'm far from being a control freak.  I'd like to think that I'm more than willing to allow others to ...