From my heart ...

From my heart ...

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Quiet.  Not exactly the paramount adjective to describe the likes of me.
Nope.  I'm fairly certain I was born talking.  Or at the very least, born-to-talk.

It wouldn't surprise me one bit to hear my own mother announce that my perpetual chatter commenced on the very day of my birth.  If that were indeed the case, it was likely simply because I felt it my duty to share my very own version of the birthing experience.  You know, just to make certain my mom got the story straight on January 23, 1958.

From as far back as I can personally recollect, my inclination has been to fast-forward my speech to intelligible statements and crystal clear points.  Intelligible and clear at least to me, and yes - lots of 'em.

Intelligible and crystal clear.  Apparently then, politics are out of the question.  That's okay.  I've never been accused of being politically correct anyway.  In all likelihood, I'll not have an episode of burning desire to enter that shady arena.

Speaking politically incorrectly then I suppose, I have a few intelligible statements and crystal clear points to share.

I believe ...

  • Our Country should remain 'One Nation Under God.'  God alone.
  • There should be no religions.  Only devoted relationships with Jesus Christ.  Though I religiously attend a Baptist church, I have no religion.  Only a Savior.
  • Abortion should be illegal.  It is not a woman's right to end the life of her child.  Life, on the other hand, is the child's inalienable right.
  • The Ten Commandments are 'commandments'.  They're not suggestions.
  • An eye for an eye.  It's Biblical.
  • Everyone has inner struggles.  If your own inner struggles cause separation from God's will, pray for God's forgiveness, mercy and grace.  He is faithful and just to cleanse you from all unrighteousness.  I know - been on the unrighteousness side of the fence too many times.
  • Islam is not a religion.  Islam is a cult.  There's a difference.  Research it.
  • Coexist?  No thanks!  C  = Islam.  I = Wicca.  S = Taoism.  Nope.  Won't be buying that bumper sticker.  The symbols are intended to identify a plurality of religious beliefs.  The word itself is intended to encourage religious tolerance.  (See my second bullet-point ... There should be no religions ... Only devoted relationships with Jesus Christ.)

"One Lord, one faith, one baptism; One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all." - Ephesians 4: 5-6

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves." - Matthew 7: 15

"Thus you shall not show pity:  Life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot." - Deuteronomy 19: 21

"Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God?  Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God." - James 4: 4

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." - Proverbs 1: 7

"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you." - Jeremiah 1: 5

"You shall not follow a crowd to do evil." - Exodus 23: 2

"Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die." - Proverbs 31: 8

"For you formed my inward parts; you covered me in my mother's womb.  I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Marvelous are your works.  And, that my soul knows very well." - Proverbs 139: 13-14

My speech. 

My freedom. 

Praying those are never taken from me.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Not-So-Easy Street

Teenagers don't live on Easy Street.

Most commonly their place of residence is on Confusion Boulevard, with opposing lanes of traffic on either side of the greener grass lining the middle of the road.

And though the greener grass would appear to be just footsteps away, it seems to require walking miles upon miles in teenage shoes in order to reach the lush contentment that the greenery affords.

Confusion reigns within the soul that houses the teenager.

Though some teens might turn on the false air of confidence that seems to radiate dignity and grace while dealing with raging hormones and body changes (desired or undesired), confusion is king in their land.

The teenager's homeland - his or her soul - is quite often overrun with what may appear to some as pandemonium.

At least, it contains all the ingredients necessary in a recipe for emotional upset.

Some teenagers throw all these ingredients into the mix haphazardly, unmethodically, and without measurement; while other teenagers seem more apt to measure precisely (or thereabout), being a little more certain of the resulting table set before them.

Not me!

I was more prone to being pandemonized by my own soul.

Measure the ingredients of my daily ins, outs, and whereabouts?  Are you kidding me?  I didn't have time for that.

I just threw all my ingredients, which often consisted of chaos and mayhem, into the pot and turned my internal stove on the highest setting.

After all, I was a teenager.

I had things to do, places to go, people to see.  My life was waiting for me.  And not very patiently, I might add.  Or at least, I did not want to wait for it.


Nope.  Time was a-wastin'.

It's sad now looking back at a large portion of my teenage years.  Time wasn't wasting away at all.  But, I was pretty good at wasting time.

I didn't realize then what I realize now - that time was my friend.  Time was on my side.

Time should have been the main ingredient in the casserole that I call my life.

But, I just couldn't resist the express way of life.  You know, for the same reason that we have drive-through fast food restaurants.  We want our piece of the pie, and we want it now.

I think I might have wanted the whole pie, or at least a taste of the assortment.

If law enforcement officials were authorized to give teenagers tickets for driving in the fast lane of life, I probably would have had enough citations to cause them to revoke my life license.

But, there is no such law.

So, I just kept driving on that twisted highway which would ultimately lead to my teenage pregnancy and teen motherhood.

In fact, the more I think about it, the more I think maybe my quick trip through adolescence was more like a non-stop flight to adulthood.

It was not round trip.

My ticket took me directly to adulthood and left me there.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Why are teenagers so confused?  Why not?

No, teenagers don't live on Easy Street.

Rather, the winding paths they travel to get to Destination Road can be quite rough and bumpy.

(... taken from Chapter 3:  PREGNANT AT 16 / Lori Ghiata Bowser)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Baby, Its Cold Outside

Brrr.  Its mighty chilly in Asheville's mountains this weekend.


And, I'm lovin' it.

Matter-of-fact, its the weather my soul cried out for during those dog days of Summer when it seemed I was forever mopping the sweat from my brow ... and, just about every other body part.

In wintry weather at least, I have the option of choosing the degree of warmth my body maintains ...
  • sweatshirt ... or, not.
  • extra blanket ... or, not.
  • crank up the heat ... or, not.
  • snuggle with the hubby ... or, not.
... unless I'm hot-flashing.  Unfortunately, there's no option there.

Even if the frigid weather causes ice to form on power lines, increasing the chances of my home's power going out, I have the option of building a cozy fire in the wood stove ... or, not.

Summer's heat doesn't even come close to allowing for comparable option-variety.

I like options!  And, I like to keep them open.

One exception ...
  • where I'll spend eternity.

Eternity offers only two options:
  1. Heaven
  2. Hell
I've chosen option #1.

I'm praying other folks opt to do the same.

I understand the temperature is perfect there.  Unlike option #2.

Outta Control

I'd like to think that I'm far from being a control freak.  I'd like to think that I'm more than willing to allow others to ...