From my heart ...

From my heart ...

Monday, April 15, 2013

Left Unsaid

Speak up for the unborn.  Be their voice.
I've heard it said that some things are better left unsaid.
I'm not entirely convinced.

I mean, if I kept my mouth shut ...
  • My family might not fully understand the depth of my love for them.
  • My friends might not fully understand how much their friendship means to me.
  • And, my neighbors might not fully understand my actions.
I'm quite aware that our mouths carry the potential of causing trouble.  In those instances, troublemakers should give consideration to the closed-mouth option.

Even greater, is my awareness that if we don't use our mouths for good - no good can come from that.

When I think my thoughts are important, I share them.  Verbally.

That being said, I have a thought to share.  I believe its important.  I believe its useful.  And I believe if its left unsaid, innocent people will die. 


So, I speak up, speak out, and speak with intention.

I 'speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.'

I speak for the unborn.  I am their voice. 

I believe if the unborn children could talk, they'd tell their moms to choose life.  Better said ... they'd beg, plead, and cry out for their lives - to the top of their lungs.

Of that, I am entirely convinced.

Outta Control

I'd like to think that I'm far from being a control freak.  I'd like to think that I'm more than willing to allow others to ...