My Mom and Dad were right ... The older I get, the faster the days and years fly.
Shelby, a.k.a. the 'Shelbinator', graduates from Guilford College this coming Saturday morning. She's the third and last of our children to move into the 'real world' of adulthood. I'm happy for her. I'm proud of her. And, I'm confident she'll succeed in all she sets out to do.
Yet, 'bittersweetness' lingers at our home this week.
Where did the years go?
I'm sure it was just yesterday that we were moving Shelby from her bedroom at home to her dorm room at college. And the day before that, she learned how to drive. And the day before that, she started kindgergarten. And the day before that, we welcomed her into this world.
I'm sure I just blinked a few times.
What will tomorrow bring? Who knows! I'm choosing to leave all our tomorrow's in God's hands ... He's already there.
Congratulations, Shelby. We all love you so much.
Matthew 6: 33
'Seek first the Kingdom of God.'
Matthew 6: 34
'Do not worry about tomorrow.'