Traditionally-speaking, the six-hour-long shopping extravaganza, beginning precisely at one minute after midnight, the day after Thanksgiving, is my all time favorite shop-'til-I-drop event of the year.
Funny thing is ... Traditionally, I don't like shopping. Not in the least.
Loss of sleep? Eh, I can always catch some zzz's later on in the day.
Just how many bangs for my bucks can I get this year? Go ahead. Ask me. Quite a few, actually. I've already scoured the websties.
They call it 'Black Friday.'
Good news! There's more than one Black Friday per year. There's a grand total of fifty-two every year. These Fridays belong to the Pro-Lifers.
Yes. Even Pro-Lifers have their own Black Friday mission: Abortion Blackout.
Abortion Blackout occurs every Friday of the year. On Fridays, many Pro-Lifers wear black clothing to mourn the precious lives lost to abortion.
Scour the Abortion Blackout website:
Abortion Blackout is a simple way to show others what you believe.
That's it! I'm a Black Friday Missionary.