From my heart ...

From my heart ...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

River Rocks and Moon Pies

Between a rock and a hard place.  An unfortunate place to be?  Not necessarily.

Not this particular time, anyway.

The rocky places our kayaks encountered Saturday - all day - were often met with sweet relief.

Case (or 2) in point:
  1. Our rock-encounters allowed us substantial time for much-needed breaks from paddling.
  2. Our rock-encounters resulted in plenty of good-for-the-soul belly laughs.
Because of the rocks, we gained a greater respect for mother nature, latched onto a heightened awareness of our surroundings, and endured one mighty tough full-body workout.

Yes, full body. 

Rushing white water has the ridiculously amazing ability to slam you and your kayak full-force, and at tremendous speed, smack-dab into the center of a rock that you had no idea was there, and which suddenly stops you dead-in-your-tracks in the blink of an eye.

Best plan?  Don't blink.

I tell ya', it was an obstacle course out there.

Rocks here, there, and everywhere.  And most were winners at the whole hide-'n-go-seek game. 
Child's play?  Think again!

The entire rock-encounter experience could teach 'Mr. P90X' a thing or two.

Oh, yes!  This particular kayaking ordeal worked every single body muscle known to us.  And, even the ones we had no idea existed ... until now.

Five solid workout hours of paddling, maneuvering, slamming into rocks, and exerting all energies in navigating off said rocks, only to discover that more rocks - alot more - were secretly lurking ahead.
Pretty sure we'll be feeling the effects when we roll (literally, 'roll') out of bed tomorrow morning.

Would I do it again?  In a heartbeat, and after I invest in a blow-up/cushiony seat for my hind end.

What part do the moon pies have in this whole story?  After a workout such as this, every good body deserves a moon pie.

If you have to ask what a moon pie is, you're obviously not from the South.

Its chocolatey-marshmallow-heaven.

Outta Control

I'd like to think that I'm far from being a control freak.  I'd like to think that I'm more than willing to allow others to ...