From my heart ...

From my heart ...

Monday, October 4, 2010

A Sight To Behold

Did you happen to drive down Hanes Mall Blvd. in Winston-Salem yesterday?  The sight just west of Stratford Road was similar to sightings in thousands upon thousands of cities across the United States and Canada.

Yesterday - October 3, 2010 - was National Life Chain Sunday.

In our own neck of the woods, some dear friends and I joined nearly 100 other folks in peaceful, prayerful silence ... standing up for the unborn ... holding signs for passers-by to read the messages in our hearts.

Our messages?
  • Adoption:  The loving option.
  • Life:  The first inalienable right.
  • Pray to end abortion.
  • Jesus forgives and heals.
  • Abortion hurts women.
  • Abortion kills children.
  • Lord, forgive our nation.

We stood for the unborn.  We stood for the speechless.  And, we stood to restore hope to their mothers.

Not all unborn children are safe in the warm embrace of their mothers' wombs. 

These are the children for whom we stand, speak up, and pray passionately.

While some unborn children will someday meet their mothers face to face, others have their lives deliberately and brutally ended before they're allowed to take their first breath.

Deliberate?  Yes!  Abortion is contemplated and purposeful, thus deliberate.

Brutal?  Yes!  Abortion is brutal destruction of life.  Research it for yourself.  And, if you have the guts - view one for yourself.  You'll need a vomit bag.

Shamefully nauseating!

I'm fully aware that there may be some folks reading this particular blog today who may consider me insensitive.

To the contrary!

I am entirely sensitive to the plight of the unborn ... for those unable to stand up and make their own voices heard.  If by some miracle they were able to speak, I believe their messages would be similar to the messages on our signs yesterday.

Wouldn't that be a sight to behold!

P.S.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DANNY!  Danny was born to me 36 years ago today.  I was just 16 years old, unwed, and scared at the time.  But, I believe God blessed me beyond my dreams for my selfless and moral decision for life for Danny.  And, I guarantee ... Danny's glad for my decision as well. 

I love you, Danny.

Outta Control

I'd like to think that I'm far from being a control freak.  I'd like to think that I'm more than willing to allow others to ...