From my heart ...

From my heart ...

Friday, October 11, 2013

Have You Ever Hugged An Angel?

There's nothing quite like an angel's hug.
My angel's name is Lindsey.
Have you ever hugged an angel?
It was my honor the other day.

There's nothing on earth quite like it.
It takes my breath away.

I hold my angel so tight, so close. 
Its not-at-all easy to let go.

I'm 'Grandma' to an angel.
And oh, how I love her so.

Though I softly whisper, 'I love you.'
I'm fairly certain she cannot hear.

But, I am certain she gets my message.
You see, I feel God's presence near.

Jesus loves his little children.
And He loves my angel very much.

When my angel is wrapped in my arms.
We both feel Jesus' heavenly touch.

Please keep Lindsey, and all of us who love her so much, in your prayers.
Lindsey has Tay Sachs disease.  She's 10 years old.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

House Bill 695 - Family, Faith, and Freedom Protection Act 2013

We've got rights!

Constitutional rights.
Conscience rights.
Civil rights.
Freedom rights.
Human rights.
Legal rights.
Moral rights.
Religious rights.

And, our rights are at stake.

Here's a brief summary of what's included in House Bill 695 - The Family, Faith and Freedom Protection Act of 2013:

Speak up for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die.
  Proverbs 31:8
It prohibits the use of foreign law, such as Sharia law, from being applied in family court actions in North Carolina, if such action violates a person’s fundamental constitutional rights.

It expands conscience rights for people employed in the medical field who have moral or religious objections to participating in any procedure that may lead to an abortion.

It prohibits coverage for abortion in health plans offered through health care exchanges under 'ObamaCare.'

It prohibits city and county governments from providing abortion coverage beyond what is provided by the State Health Plan for Teachers and State Employees.

It bars sex-selective abortions – abortions performed simply because of the unborn child’s gender.

It requires that any time a surgical or chemical abortion is performed the doctor must be physically present for the full procedure.

To prevent Gosnell type violations in abortion clinics, the bill mandates that the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services produce regulations that ensure such clinics are similar to surgical ambulatory centers.

This is an historic moment in North Carolina history.

Contact Governor Pat McCrory.  Ask him to sign HB695 into law.

Protect your rights. 


Monday, April 15, 2013

Left Unsaid

Speak up for the unborn.  Be their voice.
I've heard it said that some things are better left unsaid.
I'm not entirely convinced.

I mean, if I kept my mouth shut ...
  • My family might not fully understand the depth of my love for them.
  • My friends might not fully understand how much their friendship means to me.
  • And, my neighbors might not fully understand my actions.
I'm quite aware that our mouths carry the potential of causing trouble.  In those instances, troublemakers should give consideration to the closed-mouth option.

Even greater, is my awareness that if we don't use our mouths for good - no good can come from that.

When I think my thoughts are important, I share them.  Verbally.

That being said, I have a thought to share.  I believe its important.  I believe its useful.  And I believe if its left unsaid, innocent people will die. 


So, I speak up, speak out, and speak with intention.

I 'speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.'

I speak for the unborn.  I am their voice. 

I believe if the unborn children could talk, they'd tell their moms to choose life.  Better said ... they'd beg, plead, and cry out for their lives - to the top of their lungs.

Of that, I am entirely convinced.

Outta Control

I'd like to think that I'm far from being a control freak.  I'd like to think that I'm more than willing to allow others to ...